General Guidelines

General Guidelines

  1. The school reserves the right to suspend students whose punctuality, diligence or progress in study and conduct (in and outside school) is consistently unsatisfactory.
  2. A Medical Certificate must be submitted if a child needs to be excused from games activities.
  3. During school hours, a student must take the permission of the Teacher before leaving the class. Written permission of the principal is required for a student to leave the premises of the school, during school hours. Breach of these rules will be viewed seriously.
  4. Prior permission of the principal must be taken for collection for any kind.
  5. The students must bring only their text books and library books to school.
  6. Any kind of damage done in the school premises must be compensated by those who are responsible.
  7. The students must refrain from bringing valuable articles such as expensive water bottles, fountain pens, gold ornaments, mobiles, i-pads, cameras, laptops, watch etc. to the school. Books and other belongings should be marked with the name and class. No student will be called to answer phone calls during class hours.
  8. If students are caught carrying communication / storage / electronic devices they will be confiscated by the School Authorities and no request for returning the same will be entertained.
  9. All applications for Leaving Certificate / Bonafide Certificate must be made in writing. The format of the form is also available on the school website or school office. These will only be issued 48 hours after receipt of the application. Photographs to be attested must be in school uniform.
  10. In classroom, students should create and maintain an atmosphere conducive to productive study.
  11. Classroom should be kept tidy and attractive. Scribbling on furniture or on walls is strictly forbidden.
  12. Each student should ensure that lights and fans are switched off when leaving the classroom.
  13. There is Redressal Cell operational in the school for the benefit of all parents and students. Any issue pertaining to school function, activity or discipline should be brought up for discussion here. Parents and students are advised to take recourse to this cell for any problems or issues that may need discussion or solution. They may also mail it to the school email id :