Cambridge Primary

Cambridge Primary is typically for learners aged 5 to 11 years (Grades 1-5). It develops learner skills and understanding through the primary years in English, Math and Science. The programme focuses on engaging children in global topics, getting them to think critically and develop a passion for learning. The primary curriculum is designed to provide learners with a solid foundation, which they can build upon as they progress through further education.
External benchmark. Cambridge Primary provides an optional external benchmark to inform their teaching and easily measure learners’ progress over time. It also allows detailed, structured reporting to parents.
International curriculum. Appropriate and relevant internationally, Cambridge Primary has been designed to be culturally sensitive. It includes top quality teaching and assessment resources appropriate for teaching and learning in local and international schools. The structure of Cambridge Primary encourages teachers to use their own materials, bringing in local, national and international examples.

Subjects offered in Cambridge Primary (Grade 1)

The subjects are designed to enrich children’s schooling experience, providing them with a set of varied and transferable skills, which they will carry with them throughout their lives.

Cambridge Progression Tests

Cambridge Primary Progression Tests are internal assessments that help check learners’ knowledge, skills and understanding. Available for our core subjects, English, mathematics and science, progression tests are marked by teachers in school and available for stages 3, 4, 5 and 6.