Tips for Reducing Weight of School Bags

Tips for Reducing Weight of School Bags

Heavy School Bags are a serious threat to the health and wellbeing of the students.

  • Take only the books that are required at school. Some subjects might have more than two books, and the student must be aware of what topic is meant for that day.
  • Packing of bags strictly according to the time table (no extra books should be carried)
  • Avoid hard-binding the textbooks. Soft-binding helps maintain the book and also does not contribute to the weight of the bag.
  • Pouches can be used instead of boxes to carry stationery like pens and pencils.
  • Lockers can be used to put heavy textbooks and notebooks and other stationery that is not required for homework/self-study at home that day.
  • Carry lightweight water bottles preferably 750 ml since RO system is installed in each block.
  • Children are technologically smart today, hence can opt for Digital books (Grade 6-12).
  • It would be advisable to keep two sets of heavy books – one set can be kept in the class locker and the other can be used at home