Tips for Happy & Effective Parenting

Tips for Happy & Effective Parenting

  1. Encourage your child to take responsibility and accomplish the given task independently.
  2. Help your child learn how to express frustration, disappointments and anger without hurting others.
  3. Speak to your child in the tone along with the words that you wish he/she would use with others.
  4. Clear statements and instructions are understood easily and effectively by children.
  5. Listening with your heart allows you to be empathetic, take your child’s perspective / see the world through his / her eyes before coming to any conclusion.
  6. While interacting with your child it is important to make the child feel that he / she has your complete attention and to achieve this you need to turn off your laptop, keep your phone down and make eye contact with him / her.
  7. Help your child learn about new words or content in a variety of ways. Talking about the new vocabulary word over the week in various settings will be a helping hand in enriching the child’s understanding of the world.
  8. If your child has an assessment / revision coming up, help him / her study a little bit each day rather than cramming it the night before. An hour or so every other day with spacing out the learning, is a better way to learn the material.
  9. Ask your child about his / her day in the school, and see whether the school work is completed or not. Tell your child that you are proud of the work he / she is doing.
  10. Praising accomplishments, however small, will make them feel proud; letting kids do things independently will make them feel capable and strong.
  11. Find out what the homework rules are. If your child has a problem completing or understanding homework, talk to the teacher about the issue.
  12. Set routines for meals and bedtimes that will establish stability.
  13. Have your child help around the house and gain responsibility instead of waiting to be served.
  14. TV viewing is not “bad” but critical choices of what to watch should be made. Involvement of the child in other activities gives a positive reinforcement to the overall development of personality.
  15. Model the traits you wish to see in your kids: respect, friendliness, honesty, kindness, tolerance. Exhibit unselfish behavior. Do things for other people without expecting a reward. Express thanks and offer compliments. Above all, treat your kids the way you expect other people to treat you.