Grounds of Suspension

Grounds of Suspension

DCIS has Zero tolerance towards physical assault. Violence in schools is something so morally wrong that it will not be tolerated. If a student is found involved in any activity involving physical assault, he/she will be suspended for 7 days with immediate effect.   

Disciplinary action will be taken against students found involved in acts mentioned below:

  • Possessed, sold or furnished firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object.
  • Offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell look-alike controlled substances, alcohol, or intoxicants.
  • Caused or attempted to cause damage to school or private property.
  • Possessed or used tobacco or product containing tobacco or nicotine.
  • Committed obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity, committed sexual harassment.
  • Disrupted school activities.
  • Violating bus rules.